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Father and Son

May 16, 2013

Mat and I went to town last night to take care of business (the second night i have spent in town since February 28) and I have come back by myself for a day of getting ahead. It has been good to have Mat helping me over the last 10 days for several reasons: 1) I would like my kids to have a real sense of caring about the actual building – the effort, the time, the sense of accomplishment the thought “hey, I did that”; 2) it is important to me that some of my passions and skills flow through to my kids while we have the opportunity to both teach and learn – the family cabin build is a relatively ideal way for this to occur as there are many aspects to labour over; 3) I would like the kids to have their own memories as to helping put it all together so they have their own sense of ownership and the responsibilities that come with that and; 4) most importantly, I’m grateful for the opportunity to spend the time together and reconnect with Mat after him being away in university for the last 4 years. The father/son dynamic is a tricky one for most of us but it is nice to have him around and work on something as a team with a common goal.

Meanwhile, back at the outhouse, Jose and crew are just about complete. They were hoping to be done today but it looks like a portion of tomorrow will be required.