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The Cold Hard Truth About a Cold Roof

May 7, 2013

Well, the barge delivered 100 four by eight sheets of isoboard last night which we need to use to insulate the roof. The complication is that with the insulation on the exterior (so that the T&G ceiling remains visible from the inside) it needs to be cross layered and strapped onto the roof. Each sheet has an R value of 14, so we need two layers to achieve “code” of R 28. So that’s the program and Mat and I have been tackling the difficult sections on the main cabin first in order to get the pain over with. It’s been good to have Mat here helping out, both for the progress and the “quality” time which we haven’t had in quite a while.


  1. Erik says:

    It’s really looking great! Love the website, been really interesting watching it all happen!

  2. Mom Merritt says:

    So good to see your wonderful pictures and the great progress you are making as a family and with friends. Good for Mathew to be up helping his hard-working father! Hugs to both, Mom/Grammy